Role Play Competition

 Round 1 - March 18th - March 22nd, 2024

  • This will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams during the week of March 18th, 2024. Specific scheduled times will be communicated via email.
  • Competitors must log into the waiting room at least 15 min before their scheduled role play time.
  • Upon their scheduled time, competitors will be placed into a virtual "break out" room with their buyer.
  • Each seller will have a maximum of 10 minutes to complete the sales process with the goal of securing a follow-up appointment. Time begins when the competitor is placed in the virtual break out room. At the 10 minute mark, the competitor will be removed from the break out room and placed back into the virtual waiting room. From there, the competitor is welcome to log off.
  • The top 25 competitors from Round 1 will advance to Round 2


Round 2 - April 12, 2024

  • Round 2 will be held in person on Capital University's campus on April 12, 2024. Specific schedules will be determined after Round 1 scoring is complete.
  • Competitors must arrive to their assigned waiting room at least 15 minutes before their scheduled role play time. Competitors late to their scheduled time will be disqualified.
  • The use of cell phones or communication devices are not allowed in the competitor waiting area or role play rooms.
  • Each seller will have a maximum of 10 minutes to complete the sales process with the goal of securing a follow-up appointment. Time begins when the door is opened to the office in which the role play is staged. At the 10 minute mark, a volunteer will enter the role play room and remove the competitor.
  • The top 3 competitors from Round 2 will advance to Round 3


Round 3 - April 12, 2024

  • The top 3 finalist role plays will be consecutively live-streamed to a viewing room on campus and can be viewed by students and their guests
  • Each seller will have a maximum of 10 minutes for their individual round. Time begins when the door is opened to the office in which the role play is staged. At the 10 minute mark, a volunteer will enter the role play room and remove the competitor.



  • Your score for each round will be an average evaluation from 3 judges. Keep in mind: the category weights vary slightly from round to round. Make sure to review the evaluation sheets to know how you will be scored.


In the event of a scoring tie, the scores from the Speed Selling Pitch will be used as a tie breaker.

Round 1 Evaluation Sheet

Round 2 Evaluation Sheet

Round 3 Evaluation Sheet

Speed-Selling Pitch

In this competition, you will present an elevator pitch to a prospective employer (Hub International) with the goal of securing a job interview for the role of an Insurance Solutions Specialist.


Your elevator pitch should be a short (up to 60 second) personal statement that summarizes who you are, what you know and what you want to do. The ideal elevator pitch will create a favorable impression on the person you are speaking to so they will want to learn more about you as a prospective employee. Your pitch will be evaluated on:

  • Delivery: Appropriate attention to tone, volume, pronunciation and pace
  • Non-Verbal Communication: effective use of attire, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
  • Timing: pitches should be clearly and comfortably completed in 60 seconds
  • Impression: Created positive connection, made a positive impression: pitch provided impact, likeability, and uniqueness
  • Action: Communicated a sense of urgency and purpose to get together, created a specific next step


All student competitors are eligible to compete in this challenge.

All competitors must complete their elevator pitch before the lunch break.

The elevator pitch room will be indicated with signage.



  • You will receive an elevator pitch scoring sheet when you register. Make sure you write your name on your sheet.
  • You will be instructed to enter the room if no other student is presenting their pitch.
  • Hand your Elevator Pitch scoring sheet to the judge.
  • Begin your elevator pitch when instructed to do so by the Judge.
  • You will have up to 90 seconds to complete your elevator pitch.
    • Exit the room when finished.


Speed Selling Evaluation Form

Hub International Insurance Solutions Specialist Job Description

Learn more about Hub International



Social Media Competition
  • All CSC competitors in the Role Play Competition are eligible to participate in the Social Media Competition by posting on LinkedIn and/or Instagram between March 1st, 2024 - April 12th, 2024.
  • Eligible posts must use the hashtag #CometSalesChallenge AND one or more of the sponsor tags (listed below)
  • Posts should promote the CSC and/or various sponsors in a creative way
  • Enter as many times as you'd like


Sponsor Hashtag
Comet Sales Challenge #CometSalesChallenge
AT&T #LifeatATT