Frequently Asked Questions

Have Question? See if you can find your answer below! If not, reach out!

What is the Comet Sales Challenge?

Introducing the Comet Sales Challenge - the groundbreaking multi-event sales competition that's exclusively designed for high school and community college students. Get ready to showcase your skills in a thrilling Role Play competition, a lightning-fast Speed-Selling pitch, and a cutting-edge Social Media competition. Join us and be part of this one-of-a-kind event on 4/12/24!

Can I still attend Competition Day on 4/12 if I don't continue on to Round 2?


We highly recommend all Round 1 competitors to join us on Competition Day on 4/12. Don't worry if you don't make it to Round 2, you can still earn some Engagement Points, take part in the Speed Selling and Social Media competitions, and attend our awesome workshops and networking hour.

How do I prepare for the role plays?

Practice practice practice.

Don't forget to swing by our Selling 101 page to get all the details on the steps of the sales process.

And if you need some extra practice or advice, don't hesitate to reach out to any of our awesome Student Mentors. They've got your back!

What if there is a scoring tie?

If there happens to be a tie in scoring during the Role Play Competition, the win will be given to the competitor with the highest number of Engagement Points.

What is the dress code?

Make sure you dress to impress in your finest business professional attire for both the remote Round 1 and Competition Day.


Here is a HubSpot article outlining what business professional attire includes.


Case Information Coming Soon